Current Threats

Many people are now politically active as a result of realizing the clear and present danger that faces both the state of Texas and the United States of America. The Sam Houston Council has identified a number of threats considered to be the most urgent in terms of the need for political action and organizing.

  • Border security and defense against foreign invasion on the Texas/Mexico border.
  • Election Integrity.
  • Unconstitutional mandates, specifically those related to “vaccines”.
  • Attempts to dissolve and defund police forces in Texas communities.

The enemies of the United States know what areas of our free and open society must be dismantled in order to defeat us and demoralize us as a unified people. Enormous sums of money are brought to bear to influence politicians to advocate for open borders, mail in ballots, black box voting machines, forced or coerced vaccinations and defunding police forces and local law enforcement. Indeed there are many Republicans that accept campaign funds, not to advocate for these things, but to simply stay quiet and refrain from fighting for their conservative patriotic constituents.

Citizens have a serious leadership problem in the Republican party. The problem is not so much that Republicans don’t ideologically agree on most issues, but rather they have no fighting spirit. So many in leadership positions, at the county, state or federal level are either completely oblivious to the threats we face as a nation, or are just cowards who are neither inclined or even capable of fighting back against the total onslaught of leftist indoctrination and collectivist globalist worldviews.

The Declaration of Independence begins with these words, “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

We do not advocate for separation, not because we are not entitled to do so, but because it would be an admission of defeat. The Sam Houston Councils have no intention of giving any further ground to the left, the Democrat party, the gutless contingent of Republican leaders, or anyone else. We intend to fight and we intend to win.

If you have any question about what to do in the dire situation our great state of Texas finds itself in, just ask yourself this one simple question, “What would Sam Houston do?”

To get involved, START HERE.

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